Thursday, August 18, 2011

People of all religions?? christians pls answer?

ok i have read the bible many sets down certain laws to be do u follow these laws in this day and age?? example...the bible does say that a woman is not to speak in church or in public...and if the woman wishes to know something she can learn it at home from her do u stick to this and the other laws??? and if u do not follow them exact r u still considering urself a christian?? do u think u will still go to heaven?? do u think that as long as u believe in 1 tru god and that jesus died for our sins u will still go to heaven??

Why are Abiogenesis and Evolution more improbable than God?

You have a good point. The least complex answer is more logical. I do believe in God, but I also believe in evolution and understand there is no proof for God.

Do you think that diva, Bret Favre, is hating this NBA free-agency talk?

Let's face it, LeBron is dominating the sports news right now - even overtaking the World Cup. Do you think that diva, Brett Favre, is hating all of this since the spotlight isn't on him?

When is the best time to have the most profitable garage sale?

i have been wanting to have a huge garage sale and i am not sure if now is the best time of yesr? i think as long as its a nice day, no rain people wil come. but it doesnt seem like there are very many going on when i look in the clifieds for garage sales? can anyone tell me if they thing now would be a good time or when would be the best time to do it? i just have so much stuff and it is going to be such a project for me w/ my 18 month old especially i just dont want to waste my time ya know! thanks for any imput! happy garage saling! woo! hoo!( lol! just ad to say that! hehe!)

Religious beliefs for reasons of pragmatism rather than truth?

I don't think they actually believe. They just wish very hard and preach and tell people how wonderful their god is, all in an effort to convince themselves.

Blood parrot cichlid question?

He should be fine, as long as he has plenty of room to establish a territory. It's best to read up on fish before you buy them, so that you aren't surprised by care requirements and inadvertently abuse the fish because you don't know what you're doing. How large a tank is your Oscar in? They get huge very fast and need at least 75 gallons each.


ok, i got a tetra for my birthday in a ten gallon tank i let the filter run for 24 hrs because that is what the person at the store said to do! but a couple of days later my fish got white spots on them! my friend said that they were sick because i didnt let the filter run long enough. then she said that i could buy stuff to make them better. can anybody tell me what is going on and if they are sick where i can buy these chemicals! PLZ ANSWER IMEDIATELY

URGENT: what do you think about this?! isn't it cruel...!?

Well, I would ask first your reason for giving so much? Is it only for looks or for whatever you get back from it? If so then you should stop if she doesn't give equally. If you give out of love then you shouldn't worry what you get from her. I wish I had sisters to give to. I think I am a giving person and the first feeling I get when I give is praise, to God that I am able to help others.

American idol is wack. ?!!!!??????????en?

I agree. The best singer doesn't always win. The teenyboppers voted for Kris because of his looks and the s voted for Kris because they're afraid Adam may be gay, like somehow it's gonna rub off on them. Daughtry didn't win. Jennifer Hudson didn't win. Clay Aiken didn't win. They've all gone farther than the people they lost to. Letting people vote as many times as they want to is the biggest problem with Idol.

As a Kid what is it that Rahul Gandhi has acheived as an Indian that he is up to the Prime Minister post?

Why not? All those who have opposed Rahul Gandhi as a PM are against his lineage. Nobody has a choice over his birth. Why cant you look at the excellent grroot level work he is doing for his constituency. He is willing to spend time with them,understand their problems. How many MP's are doing that. Atleast he is better than the Sanjay Dutts and the Jaya Pradas of the world who's only claim to socail service is to star in feel good Indian films. He is so much better than almost half of the MP's in the house who have criminal records and police cases pending against them. India needs a smart young leader, which Rahul is. I am all for his PMship

9 month old sleep problems?

I have a 9 month old. He sleeps with a pacifier in his mouth. We still have to swaddle him to get him to sleep. Also, we have to put our hands on his belly when he's swaddled and lightly jiggle him for him to fall asleep. If he drops his pacifier, he cries. if he gets his arms free, he cries. if he rolls over, he cries. We didn't mind so much and basically got into a routine. However, 9 months have ped and we just realized that no other 9 month olds are going through this stage. He's never self-soothed. He's getting increasingly difficult to handle during naps and at night. He wakes more frequently and has a more difficult time drifting off. What do I do to help him fall asleep? He likes to kick and roll around. When he's swaddled, he tries to break free of it even though he won't sleep without it. Any suggestions?

I'm a 21 y.o. guy...?

Just go talk girl-stuff to a girl that you would like to date and then ASK HER OUT. That would be the place to start. Being able to talk to girls and having them like you as a friend is a big plus. You cannot possible know that she won't go out with you unless you ask her to. She might say no, SO WHAT? If the first one you ask says no, then find another one that interests you and get to know her, then ask her out. Eventually, things will click and you'll start an actual relationship. Women/girls tend to be attracked to guys when they like their personalities and feel secure with them, it really isn't all about the looks, which you are probably under-rating anyway. Give yourself a chance and ask out someone with whom you want a relationship, it really isn't worth waiting until she grabs you by the hair and drags you off to the cave, you just cannot count on that happening.

Do you think these Zodiac statements about you are true?

NO not at all. I laugh when I read mine (virgo) its funny because a couple of things are right but the rest are completly WRONG!!!

I'm confused-marital counseling or divorce?

I can only say if it were me, I would at least separate and definitely get marriage counseling. That is, if I thought I could still have feelings for him and that there was any hope. You did say that you still love him, so this may be the best solution for you to see whether your marriage can improve. If he doesn't and it doesn't, then you may need to consider divorce, just for the sake of your sanity. Don't do it until you're absolutely sure and it becomes the last option, though. Good luck to you.

Can two businesses have the same fictitious name in Florida?

The name I have looked up is not trademarked anywhere in the U.S., but a person has registered the fictitious name in Florida. It expires Dec. 5 of this year.

What to use to kill black mold in attic crawl space?

So I have an attic crawl space, and the exhaust from by downstairs bathroom vents right into this attic, not to the outside. This has presumably caused the black mold that is growing all over the sheathing of this attic crawl space. I'm planning on removing the vent completely and sheet-rocking over it, but I obviously need to kill the mold as well. I've been doing some research,and thus far it seems as if alcohol is the best solution to kill this mold. Bleach is apparently not as good for killing this type of mold. Any advice for what to use, or how to accomplish my DIY mold remediation?

My brother is so stupid?

my brother thinks there are 2 people in flo rider. all those who know that their are 3 put a star. so i can show him.

My Computer Has a Virus? Please Help!?

There's a very good anti maleware program called malewarebytes that is available at no cost.Try that program.

I need help about hersheys milk chocolate?

ok so i have to make a power point about the hershey's milk chocolate and it is due tommrow i need to know some intresting things about the chocolate just tell me about 4 to 5 things thanks but i need to know facts about the chocolate

Do you think floyd mayweather shouldve lost to j.l.castillo?

what is your opinion on the castillo vs mayweather 1?floyd came in as the challenger but also the favorite to win by experts.castillo was the champion and happily excepted floyds challenge..ive watched this fight 10 times scoring round by my opinion floyd started out ok & won rounds 1 & 2,in round 3 castillo started applying the pressure outlanding floyd 4 to 1..floyd started running & round 6 it was obvious to everybody that floyd was losing the the end of round 6 castillo landed a body shot to floyds ribs that put mayweather on his back but the corrupt ref ruled it a slip when everybody could clearly see that it was a legit knockdown..round 6 shouldve been a 10-8 round..rounds 7 through 9 castillo was all over floyd still outlanding floyd 4 to round 9 the ref finaly started warning floyd for using his elbows although floyd was using this dirty tactic through most of the round 10 castillo rocketed across the ring to continue the pressure on floyd..floyd was clearly on survival mode and floyd continued to hit castillo with his elbows & the ref deducted a point from floyd for the elbows..rounds 11 & 12 were the same as floyd continued to run & hold...i personaly scored the the bout 118 to 108 win for castillo because that knock down in round 6 shouldve been a 10-8 round and also the point taken away from floyd in round 10...floyd only won rounds 1 & 2 and castillo controled the rest of the fight.the punch stats;compubox numbers showed castillo threw 506 & landed 448 vs floyds 203 & landed 157..power punch stats;compubox numbers showed castillo threw 377 power shots & landed 151 vs floyds 173 power punches & landed 66.compubox numbers alone shows that castillo won by a mile.castillo was the champion in that fight so to all you gayweather cheerleaders how do you take the title away from the champ by running & holding + using dirty tactics?harold leddermans score card was 116 to 111 win for jose luis castillo..also george foreman,larry merchant & jim lampley also had castillo winning by a unanimous are the corrupt judges score cards jerry roth scored it 115 to 111 for mayweather,john keane scored it 115 to 111 for mayweather,anek hongtongkam scored it 116 to 111 for all three judges in favor scored a unanimous decision win for fraud mayweather..jim lampley quickly said "not the fight we saw"this is definitley "not the fight our hbo ring side telecast was watching"and its not the first time its happened..while the whole arena booed floyd was saying he was the best!

Is cancer a hereditary disease?

Most types of cancer are not inherited, however a defect in the genes that protect the body from tumor formation can be inherited. If someone smokes everyday and has inherited this defect then they are at a high risk of getting cancer.

How do I refute the theory of evolution?

Okay. I had not read a lot of material on this subject but I read the book that the Jehovah's witnesses wrote in 1985 on evolution. It had a lot of good info in it but I need someone deeper so I can eliminate all the doubts I have in my mind. I also want to be able to stand up for my beliefs. Please, if you just want to name call me, calling me ignorant or whatever, I don't care. Also, please don't try to push evolution on me. Thank you. I just want material so I can understand both sides of the argument. Its a little difficult because the fellows in the ivory towers in Catholicism and Islam give support to evolution. This makes it difficult to go against the secular and religious main-steam flow so as to speak. Thanks

I need to lose 75 lb what can I eat instead of crackers and cookies?

I lost weight using "The Fat Resistance Diet" which is very healthy and has simple recipes. It really works.

What are some great Elton John songs : )?

Your Song, Too Low For Zero ... if you have the latest version of iTunes, you should have something on there called the Genie ... go into that, click on your Elton John song, and it will suggest all of his best songs that you might want to download to your collection ...

Anybody know a surefire way to gain weight? leading me to any diet websites would be preferred?

just want to add some kgs, whether it be fat or muscle i dont really mind. just some websites and diet and training regiments or whatever really, just anything would be useful

What causes geysers to erupt?

I'm doing a 5 page research paper on the geysers of Yellowstone National Park. Part of my paper is on why Old Faithful erupts. Another part of the paper is just on different geysers. One of my questions is "How does Old Faithful erupt every 90 minutes & what causes it to erupt"? My other question is "What exactly causes the geysers to erupt"? I have about 15 note cards so far on it. But It's just mainly facts right now. And so now I just need to get into the facts about the eruptions and what causes them. If someone could help me. Thank would be fantastic. Thanks a bunch :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How should I wire 2- Alpine Type R DVC 4 ohms subs to a JBL 1200.1 mono amp that makes 1200 watts RMS at 2 ohm

I have 2- 12" Alpine SWR-1242D, more commonly known as the Type R 4 ohms subs and a JBL 1200.1 amp. I know the Type R's are rated at 500 watts RMS and the JBL amp is listed at 1200 watts RMS at 2 ohms. I realize that I will need to turn down my amp a bit but how should I wire it so I can get 500 watts RMS per sub.

Physics Question about Momentum and Collision?

Two collide head-on on a table. The first ball has a m of 1.2 kg and an initial velocity of 2.7 m/s. The second ball has a m of 1.8 kg and an initial velocity of -2.8 m/s. After the collision, the first ball travels at a velocity of -4.8 m/s. What is the velocity of the second ball after the collision? ume a perfectly elastic collision and no friction between the and the table. Momentum is conserved in this collision.

How Blessed do you feel today?

Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those that I care deeply for, who are reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where there is need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings. In Jesus' precious name. Amen.

Which name for the baby boy in my novel?

I think Evan would be the best choice. The picture looks like an Evan to me. There are so many names you could choose from, like Matthew Paul, or Robert Philip , that it is really hard to decide.

My ex gf and I started talking again for the 1st time after 8 months. She asks, "do your parents miss me?"

She should have asked if you missed her. Maybe it was her way of telling you she missed you by saying that she missed your parents,in the hope that you would tell you the same.

Unmarried women who cover their hair for modesty or religious reasons....?

In religious traditions which require married women to cover their hair, is there a provision or custom for women who remain (or later become) unmarried? i.e. Would an Orthodox Jewish widow stop covering her hair while she remained unmarried? Do women who remain single start covering their hair when they reach a "certain age" beyond which long, loose hair would be improper? Is there an intermediate step such as the severely pulled back bun or a half-snood like cowl?

What Would Be A Good Title For My Story?

this sounds interesting, but i would seriously recomend taking it down from the internet. Most likely someone will steal the idea, or already has. its not for public to see until it gets published. sorry to say so, but it makes sense to me. awesome story, and if its the resistance Saga, I would call the first one the resistance XD. Hope it helps..

Where can I have pictures copied onto fabric for a quilt?

I am making a memory quilt for my mother in law. I want to include pics of the family on it. I have tried printing them from home but they don't turn out well. Where can I send them so that they will look great but not cost a fortune?

Help me with this teacher infatuation.?

I cannot get this teacher out of my head. I know that nothing can come out of it but I'm infatuated with him. Everytime I see him, I lose concentration with what i'm doing. I saw him outside the other day running in the rain and we sort of made,awkward eye contact between us. This may sound cheesy but he's often helped me with problems that I've had with especially teachers doubting my capabilities, thus we've become inevitably closer. I hate feeling this way but i'm really starting to fall for him. I always look forward to seeing him and we discuss things I'd never discuss with another teacher. Help?

Choose the sentence that has an error?

1.we wonder if we might be able to barrow your car for the weekend.2.ollie and his wife might spend the holidays in hong kong this year.3.ruth and kris decided they might could see the tom hanks movie.4imafraid my parents might be very angry at us for getting married with out telling them.

My dog has an abscess on his face and I don't know what to do?

My dog has an abscess on his face, i first noticed it 1 and a half- 2 years ago and it has been steadily getting bigger. In the last couple of months it has doubled in size (now about the size of a golf ball) and blood and puss is coming out of it. We took him to the vets a few weeks ago and they suggested a few options: Sticking a needle in to take a biopsy and make a decision from then, or operating. The biopsy would be �100 and the operation around �500 in total. We decided not to go for the operation as he is 15 and healthy otherwise, but it has been getting worse and worse despite us cleaning it with antiseptic daily. He won't wear a dog cone and he keeps rubbing the abscess and making it worse. Please help!

Girls Talk - what do you think?

i have a bf of 3 yrs, our means of communication is tru chat, cos we are far from one another cos he's working overseas. and hes always moody, what could be wrong in this r/ship?

I stored my raspberries wrong and may have eaten spoiled berries?

If they were getting soft, they were close to spoiling but havn't quite gottent there. I like them on my cereal so when they get soft, the texture isn't as nice but they still taste fine. But when raspberries go bad, you can't mistake it, because they very quickly get a greenish or whitish fuzzy mold on them. And believe me, just the tiniest speck of that mold on your berry throws the taste WAY off. It's a very musty and bitter taste. You're right though, the trick to storing them is not let them be closed up in an overly moist container or bag.

What type of electric cable meets code to bury in conduit in Alberta, Canada?

I have a long run (300ft) between the house and an outbuilding. I want to supply a 15 Amp circuit to a receptacle in the outbuilding from a spare breaker slot on my house panel. The distance/load/voltage drop calculators tell me that I am going to have to use #4 (could maybe squeeze by with #6) wire. In order to meet code my plan was to use 4-2 or 6-2 cable buried at 18 inches in PVC conduit. Problem is none of the electrical shops supply 4-2 or 6-2 so I'm thinking there must be a different standard or a more practical solution. What type of insulator meets code in Canada for burial in conduit? Do people normally pull individual conductors? Should I be looking at direct burial instead? If so, what is the standard wire type for that? There is lots of stuff on the web pertaining to US code but I'm having trouble figuring out what is accepted practice in Canada.

Harry Potter?

My life would be dull, actully it is dull because there are no more Harry Potter books coming out!:( Harry had to go to the Durslys because is mum cast the protective spell, and in it, it was saying something about the love and blood of family, and Patunia was Lily's sister and was able to protect him (even if she didn't know she was doing it.) I love ron, he is discribed as kind of a nerd, but in the movies he is so cute. But my fav person is Hermione!!!!!! Also, Emma Watson does a good job playing her. Anyone know when the next movie is coming out?????

Who do I start this week?

I agree 100% with "Spud Pendleton" here. Except I don't recall that he mentioned your 3rd I would go with Holmes this week. Good luck!

Are abusive men common?

People say abusive men are everywhere. I even heard a statistic saying 1 out of 4 women are abused. I never met an abusive men before in my whole lifetime. Are they even out there?

An Emmy Question about its discrimination??

It's always what they call the "main" networks, whoever nominates shows needs their heads examined, all the best shows never get an actor/actress nominated. sopranos (is good don't get me wrong) but to win best drama, thats a joke. its only because it's over. they don't even go by viewership figures. surely the shows with the most viewers throughout the year should at least get a nomination. the whole process of picking nominees makes no sense. CW has good shows, I like supernatural aswell and smallville and they are far better than some of the shows that did get nominated even the ones that won.

Im looking at getting my first snake, looking for tips..?

like the title states, i am looking at getting my first snake. i have done a lot of research already, but real people always help more then a scientific internet article. i want a snake that is about 3-5 feet, but not as "girthy" as a ball python, so i was thinking a corn snake or a king snake, any reason i should pic one over the other? any information about cages and habitats would be nice, also feeding, live opposed to thawed?

Why won't anyone take Karate, Taekwondo or Japanese Ju-Jutsu to the Octagon?

All the thing taught in those martial arts are deemed "illegal" in such competitions. That sure says a lot about the UFC, huh? The whole point of traditional martial arts is to stop an ailant, even if that means maiming or killing . It isn't something to use in a competition. If so, you'd be using less that half of the actual style.

What's the word puzzle called...?

You have lists of words (2 letter category, 3 letter category.. etc) and you just have to find the places for each of them (like a crossword set-up) What's that game called???

Do you think our government was involved in the 911 attacks?

I have a couple of friends who waste hours upon hours of time thinking that our government is responsible for the attacks and that our current President is evil and the else can I defend the honor of our Nation and its Presidential leaders against these verbal attacks from my supposed friends?

Why do dads not come around to see there kid(s)??

My son's father has been in and out of his life since he was born. He will not stick to a set schd. He thinks he can come around when it's only good for him. I'm so sick of the excuses & most of all I'm so very sick of him blaming me. I keep him away I don't let him see him, I use him as a pawn he says. Are you kinding me I have all the emails these last few months for my proof of ME emailing him asking him to lets work out yet another schd. for him to see his son (as I said i am emailing him asking him) through email cause I will not meet with him in person. He will not email me back or he emails me back saying something nasty to me. I have even emailed him a proposed schd. asking him if he could agree to it. Have not heard. He just sends me tex msg's. from time to time asking me if he can see his son & I used to respond by saying yes of course as soon as we can work out a set schd. and then he never gets back to me. Am I wrong to not let him come around without a set schd.?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Did Raven Symone die in a car crash?

My friend said he watched E! news and it said she died in a car crash and also there's no new eps of her show and on one of the movies (cheetah girls) she wasnt in it.

Baby naming..what would you name them part 2.?

You think WAY too much about their names. Doesnt need to be this complicated. Just call them something you like...

LLC Doents?

How do you get doents to create an LLC? Is this something someone can do on their own. Does an LLC have to have an EIN? Does the LLC (two members, husband and wife) file a separate tax return for the LLC or do they include the earnings on their personal tax return. Can a business operate with out an LLC if their profit will be low the first year or two and then become an LLC later?

Notice HHHow everyone says they're happier on another brand?

I have no clue what Kurt Angles gripe was. If anything in WWE he was pushed to the moon, its just the schedule was getting to him. Billy Gunn and Scott Stiener both did not deserve a main event spot in WWE. They both sucked. The only ones who may have valid points are RVD and Booker T, but even at that Booker finally got his push as King Booker and RVD won both the ECW and WWE titles. Im not disagreeing HHH holds guys down and Im not his biggest fan, but some of the guys you listed, it doesnt add up as to why they claim they didnt get there shot in the sun in WWE.

How do i make him like me? Guys help only please!?

i'm 14.freshmen.kinda like this guy, idk if he likes me too. he sits next to me in 2nd period and has homeroom w/ me. he sometimes touches me and comes close as if he likes me.but then he gets a bit mean and racist to me. i wanna make him like me, how do i do it. w/out trying to look pretty and wearing "those" types of clothes. wat do i say? how do i talk to him? i nice convo. help me.

Soil mix for venus fly traps?

venus fly traps can have absolutely no nutrients of any kind except for what they catch. you must use rain water caught in containers (can not be from a rain gutter) or distilled water, regular tap water will eventually kill them.

OVULATION??? Confusing?

Ok so I know I have asked too many crazy stupid questions on here but I feel absolutely clueless. How do I know if I ovulated this month? My first day of my last period was June 19,2009. I have a regular 28-30 day cycle. We have BD on 6/28(tmi but twice), 7/1,7/4,7/6. And Im sure before the 28th but I cant remember (which sounds funny but..). We really want to have a baby. Is there really a chance this month???

I'm not sure if he's into me?

haha i do know what you are talking about and i would advise you NOT to talk to him cuz that would make you seem desperate...i know guys like these you may not be able to get over him or what not but just give him as much attention as he gives you if not dont want to seem needy or annoying...besides he is a guy and that is how most guys act. i hope i helped and good luck!

GH: Is Anyone Else Sick of Lulu?

She is being incredibly annoying and whiny lately. She thinks that she is the only person who knows how to save Luke and everyone else is horrible for confronting him about his alcoholism. I am so tired of listening to her perky plans for revamping the Haunted Star, and her complete bitchiness toward Tracy. Do you think there will be a point when she realizes that she can't do anything to bring Luke back and that he has to hit rock bottom before he will get help for himself?

My names for my Kidss?

If I were you I would keep my mind open unless you are a quarter into your pregnancy. On my personal opinion, for boys I like Leo. Christopher is too common. For girls, I say Veronica. Lauren and Michelle are too common and Dohrinda is not that pretty. Also, if you pick my choices don't say you got it on Yahoo. Hope you have a perfectly healthy baby!

Why don't we attack Iran?

I am confused, i thought we attacked Iraq, because, um, whathisname(sodamninsane) supposedly had nuclear weaponos (cough, cough), so Iran SAYS they have them, they are going to use them and we dont do nothing about it. Am I to understand that we attacked Iraq because of the exact same cirstance, but wont attack Iran? Geez, too much work, not enough beer, toooooo much confusion. Most money wins, right? Or who is sleeping with who? BLAH!!!!!!

Should I leave if...?

they guy I'm dating doesn't really want kids? I'm about to be 25 I have a decent job. The guy is almost 30, no kids, very good job, he really makes enough to support me too. I don't want to wait any longer, women have problems with pregnancies when they are older and what if I go into early menopause? am I wrong for wanting a family & to get married? we've been dating for 5 years!

Yankees only need a lefty why dont they go after Damaso Marte?

Damaso Marte is probably one of the best lefty specialists around why dont the yanks make a move for him he is not pricey and he would fit in well, with a lefty-specialist like him that would fill the whole problem the yankees have had for quite a few years now he would be an answer for Ortiz, Thome, Morneau, Mauer, ect.... then the yankees can dominate again cause we would have other crafty veterans in Hawkins, Rivera, and Farnsworth (when he pulls it together), and the Starting Rotation is perfect we have experience in Pettitte, Mussina, and some with a still youthful Wang, and then we have tha big three (hughes, chamberlain, kennedy), and then the best hitting lineup, and like i said the only thing missing is something small yet very vital a lefty-specialist....

Does the post in Kuwait have internet?

Will my husband be able to use his laptop on the post in Kuwait or another computer? He is leaving this weekend for Kuwait and then Afghanistan. Will he be able to contact me from there? What are the prices or is it free? Will he be able to buy a cell phone there? Take it to Afghanistan with him? Can he call and get on the internet in Afghanistan? He is going to FOB Fenty. Anyone know how it is there?

Why do people discourage ebonics/slang, when people of London use ney, which was also used by Shakespeare

ney is the equivalent of slang used in our society. But no one puts down their "improper" syntax, while here in America people always put down ebonics( English with African syntax)

Are kelly clarkson and jason aldean secretly dating?

i think they are i went to his concert in indy and when kelly came on the screen to sing his duet "dont you want to stay" his face lit up

Will a remote start will work on my 98 plymouth breeze with an automatic transmission n park or neutral?

im considering buying one but keep getting different pros and cons about them.but i wont mess with it if it doesnt work while my car is parked n gear and not the neutral position

Those who know Jesus as Savior and best friend, Muslims who reject his salvation, and all-will you comment?

Shalom, my brother in Christ!! Jesus is my best friend too. Tell your Muslim friend (peace be upon him) that G-d writes scripture through His inspiration. A human writes, whatever book we believe... because he has the physical hands to do it, but G-d's knowledge and understanding for scripture has to come by His Spirit, which is one of supernatural love and humbleness.

How to fix my faded chesnut uggs?

I would take them to a place that does leather cleaning and repairs. Some dry cleaners do leather. I got salt stains on mine and I took them to a dry cleaner and they fixed them perfectly, they look brand new.

Are there Circian Arabs living in Mid-East? Notably Syria?

The Circians are Caucas Russians (or Georgians) who converted to Islam and, due to persecution from the Russian government (Under the Tsars) fled to Turkey (which many count as part of Europe, not the Middle East) and Syria. Northern Syria, Aleppo in particular, has a large Circian minority.

Hospital Management. How to get into this as a career and what qualifications do you need?

most hospital managers have spent some time in the field of nursing or other heath care careers. You may need to spend some time in the medical field for a little while, getting your feet wet and asking the right questions to the right people before you will be able to go into management.

Is this monarch deck any good for tournament play?

1st get rid of monster reborn thats an illegal card in tournaments. and if i read the rules carfully again ur only alound 1 monarch per attribute in a deck due to how powerful the are ur only allowed 1 bottomless trap hole so really reconstruct ur deck

Do you believe Edgar Allan Poe creates unreliable narrators?

In most of his stories I've read the narrators seem to be unreliable. In "The Cask Of Amontillado" the narrator was recalling the murder from 50 years ago with exaggerations. In "The Tale Tell heart" there is debate on weather the narrator is insane even though he insisted he was. In another story the narrator is flat out drunk.

Can i put some " 2 custom Seymour Duncan Invader pickups" on my " bc rich guitar?

right now i have a bc rich kerry king signature special series guitar and i was just wondering if i can take off the pickups from it and add some "2 custom Seymour Duncan Invader pickups" on it?

Excel Question About Entering More than One line?

You want the capability to WRAP TEXT within a cell. I am now using Excel 2007. You click on HOME and under Alignment, click on Wrap Text. I can't remember where it was in the earlier versions, but if you go to HELP and write in Wrap Text, you will find the answer. Hope this helps

If a shy guy gets a letter from a girl letting him how she feels how will he react?

I really do like him and i feel that he likes me too but he hasnt replied n its almost a month now so now i feel that he doesnt so i just wanted to know wat i should do cause the last thing i want is to lose the frndship ,i just followed my heart n wrote that letter cause all i wanted was for him to know how i i feel it was maybe a mistake n im not good any getting signs from a guy n its the first time i really do like someone :/ we have become quite good frnds n thats y i thought i should just let him know.

So, Michele Bachmann quit her church. Whats the political reason?

These neo CON-victs are insane. By yous guys own admission Bachmann stopped going to the church 2yrs ago. If they left a church they knew was questionable why didn't they speak to the secretary THAT DAY to get their names taken off the membership roll? And I'll submit that she asked the church to take her off membership 2-3wewks before she announced her presidential bid. I've never ran for president, but logic dictates that ANY & EVERY thing you do 2-3weeks prior to your announcement for president is a deliberate act. And to the guy that said we don't know the story, or that they don't believe tho Pope is the anti-Christ, I submit to you that she's obviously deliberately distancing herself for some reason. If not Pope=Anti-Christ, THEN WHAT?

Does farting cause weight loss?

Yes, fart constantly. All day everyday I say. On men's faces preferrably. A good way to lose even more calories.

MLA Format and Citing?

My professor asked to write a 2 page summary on an article using the MLA Format and cite two references! what exactly does that mean, do i use another page just for the references or do i do it on the bottom of the summary page, he said used (MLA FORMAT but he never mentioned works cited, he just said to cite "two references") So what do i do?

I reaaally want to be pregnant by the end of the year, help?

Okay well me and my husband have been trying since August and not one BFP! I know its too early to be worried but I am super obsessed with having a baby and I work in the toy department and its really getting me down putting up baby stuff all day and seeing all the kids and my co-worker is also expecting. AF is visiting right now but when she leaves I want to get down to the hard core baby-making! My husband wants a baby, and is also excited but he doesn't really share my enthusiasm when I'm ovulating lol! We've actually had less since we started trying and I really want to convince him we need to pick up the slack if we are serious about having a little one. Tonight when he gets home I want to talk to him and then go pick up some more ovulation tests. So basically I have two questions- 1 What do I say to him about trying harder, he complains about the pressure I'm putting on him but we need to do something! and 2 What are some GOOD tips on making this happen faster? I already elevate my hips 20 minutes after.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Surveys: whose taste of music is alike to mine?

I listen to everything, my favorite is hip hop and country though. I do like My Chemical Romance, though. Helena is a gret song.

Do I have a bad breaker?

Does not sound like a bad breaker. Sounds more like improper wiring, loose connections, overloaded circuits, ground faults, or low voltage.

ASDA Mini Cam Drivers?

Okay so a rather long time ago I bought a webcam from ASDA for my friend to use for a while. She gave it back and now I dont have the drivers or know the bran to download the drivers. Its small black and there is a blue LED light that turns on when connected. Does anybody else have one of these MINI CAMS? And whats the make?

Who thinks a man who plays b is more attractive than not?

curious because i play b...mainly goth-punk...Murderdolls, Wednesday 13, KoRn, Marilyn Manson...stuff like that

How can you stop a court hearing from appearing in the newspaper?

By not getting into trouble. And if you have been found guilty, it isn't just an allegation, it's a conviction. And the Prisons are full to busting with people who "didn't do it". That's life, suck it up!

Is there a drastic difference between Catholicism and Christianity?

Other than their name of course, what is the difference, I've heard from some (regular folks) that they are quite interchangeable.

Accidently deleted entire external hard drive!?

While trying to organize my external hard drive into individual folders such as Pictures, Videos, Doents, I , while in the root directory attempted to delete a random file that was in the root directory. But without realizing (stupid Vista) pressing select and choosing the one file it highlighted every folder above it. When I hit delete I received the error message that the file was too large for the recycle ben delete permanently? I hit ok and poof every file on my F: drive was gone. I immediately shut the drive down so as to not overwrite any files. Does anyone know of any freeware that can reliably recover this data? I am scared to just try something for fear that my pictures (10 years worth) will be permanently deleted.

How to Save Japanese Maple Trees?

Plants in pots suffer from heat and lack of water; this is probably the primary cause of the damage to your trees. Plant them in the ground and add lots of compost; water them in hot weather and they may recover. I would prune any dead branches and hope it isn't too late to save them.

What should I do with this horse?

You should not be smacking around on this horse. I have always said you should never hit your horse unless you think he is going to kill you, and I've never been in a situation, even with dangerous problem horses, that made me feel that way. Since I've never seen this horse, you have to make the decision. Sounds like he is too much for you to handle. Perhaps someone who can dedicate their time to only this horse would be better, someone who is more equipped to deal with his problems. Nothing is worth getting hurt.

68-70 roadrunner Mopars?

I was wondering if anyone might know of any 68-70 plymouth roadrunners or sport satellites that might be around the central florida area, Iv been looking on craigslist and local clifieds but im sure there are some people out there who don't even put them up for sale. I was just wondering if anyone may know of any in the central FL area

My husband said there is one excuse for hitting a woman?

My opinion on the situation is that no matter how respected and famous he is, he has no right to lay a hand on ANY FEMALE. And that goes for anybody. No matter what the case is, there is no excuse for that behavior. But I do believe self-defense, no matter how stupid that sounds, would be an "excuse" in that particular situation because its for safety and protection rather than rage.

Give me an idea for a blaster deck in magic?

plss help me build this deck i told a friend that ill build one and i dont have a clue where to start

What is the significance of daisy in the great gatsby?

Gatsby wasnts daisy, she's his american dream. And from then on Gatsby does everything he does because he wants the american dream, again it's daisy.

Is this illegal in designs for t-shirts?

ive been planning to print the design of the t-shirts found online.. like logos, designs from the a band's merchandise... for my own design in making a t-shirt. likewise i wanted to buy, but still i dont have credit cards to purchase online so i decide just to print the design, get a plain t-shirt, and get it print... is this illegal or is it ok..? btw i lived in asia...

How does this fantasy trade look? Would the commisoner reject it?

I would not take that trade. your getting rid of two productive Rb's and some pretty good wr's. You'll get more points with more players, RB's especially.

Is a one bedroom flat big enough for a baby?

I know parents who have lived in a one bedroom flat. I live in a two bedroom flat with two kittens, my 16 month old daughter and my husband and it's just fine. We had our daughter in our room until she was almost one year old and apart from the cot bed we didn't need much extra room. You don't need a changing table and thousands of toys, a few boxes with nappies, bathing things, a changing mat etc will do fine and a bouncy chair or playmat will suffice to stimulate your baby until he or she is about 6-8 months old. You can expand with small toys and accessories once your baby needs it but if you can keep everything to the bare essentials and keep things organised the three of you can cope in a one bedroom flat.

How to make joker(the dark knight/heath ledger) with cheat code in sims2?

I don't think there would be any cheat codes for it - you would have to make some clothing for him yourself which is difficult and needs programs and stuff, or you'd have to try and find the outfit on a mod site and download it from there.. But the people in the video could have made it for themselves especially and not be sharing it so...

Please help desperate for answers?

ok a couple years ago i was working for a company named transportation plus i drove sick people to dialisis and home well i was driving one of there vans one day and the breaks went out and i hit another car turned out the company didnt have insurance on that car so here i am about 4 years later and i get a call that the people wanna sue me for the damage how can they sue me when it was the companys fault can they sue me or do they have to sue the company please helpp i am desperate for answers

Missed 5 days of school last week?

Last week i wasn't at school all week, I was really sick, On thursday my mom took me to the ER and we found out i had bronchitis, I'm just so nervous to go back though, Im scared to face my teachers and friends.. i mean catching up with work isn't really a problem but what can i do so i don't feel as stressed and worried?

Literary ysis help please :)?

You would get many more answers if you included the texts, as not many of your readers have them handy.

Horrible skin. Nothing works. Help, please?

search clarins oil, , try lotus oil for acne and they have a special one for red skin/ patches, and dermo of course

Plz Help Proofread My English Translation.THX!?

they look fine to me just alot of big words and maybe a missing comma here or there. other than that it looks fine.

Film i saw on tv in the early eighties.?

a long distance marathon or race was being held in the desert.people were chased by helicopters and one crashed in the mountain.think they were hunted by bikers at the makes it to the end where there are spectators waiting to greet the victor where he turns up bedraggled.sorry to be so vague,was a kid at the time.

Best cities to live in for adventure?

I think dubai is the best place to live. There might be lots of reason to live in Dubai like there is no income or capital gains tax, nor is there any corporation tax. this combined with 100% ownership in free zones and freehold property developments, with strong investor incentives and protections makes dubai a highly appealing place to buy and live. Compared to other countries around the world, dubai property is relatively inexpensive. It offers high standard of living.

Tell me if u can beat this pokemon team?

This team is pretty good but I wouldn't put thunder bolt and thunder on Luxray because Luxray has better Attack than Special Attack. As for Gengar, I think Shadow ball would be better than haze. I would suggest to get rid of double team on Staraptor and teach it Close combat. I think Empoleon will be better than Blastoise since Empoleon has great stats.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Where can I download Sunday Bloody Sunday by U2 for free?

Hi. I really need to learn how to play this piece on the piano. I'd really like the original version, if thats possible...

How should I choose a skateboard or what should I get?

I am 16 yrs old and I am about 5ft 10in and I wear a size 12 shoe in boys or mens or however they measure it. The reason why I included all that stuff is because I'm looking at boards and some are 9 inches wide and some are 7.2 inches wide. I've never really had a skateboard before and I want get in to it. I can kinda do some tricks...... I guess I can barely or have never done an Ollie but I'm working on it, and I'm looking todo intermediate tricks like kick flips and 360's and grinds and small to medium jumps, but not any big jumps......... So what board should I get? I want either a plan b, baker, or darkstar board.....or something red,black, and white

Need answers please read!!!?

I have been seeing this man for 2 months we are both in our 30's everything is perfect with us he was even talking about moving closer to me we are about 30 mins apart right now or so i thought, we would talk and text everyday, he would text me when he got home cause he works the night shift. Well he spent valentines weekend with me at my house do to i had to work, well on vday he got a call from his brother that his mother had a stroke so he had to go back to tn. Well he sent me a text saying he had to go home due to his mother being ill. We talked the whole week while he was there nothing changed with us while he was there, he kept telling me he missed me and cant wait to get home. Well on sat the 20th he called me at 11am and told me he was on his way home asked him what time he was goign to be home he said at around 10pm, i was going to be at a friends house and gave him her house num since my cell does not work at her house, 10pm comes along i call no answer 10 30 comes i call no answer at 11 i go to his house no one home im getting worried cause this is not like him mind you sunday is my bday and he was excited to spend my bday with me, sunday comes no call from him and he wont answer his phone called the highway patrol thinking he was in an accident no accidents filed. I sent him a text on mon saying i respect your descion to not want to talk to me again but atleast tell me by i deserve that much again no answer. Jus tues night i sent him a text stating i dont know whats going on i call you i get ignored if you dont want to be my friend just tell me if you want to be back wiht an ex tell me im ok with it dont worry about hurting me i am a big girl i can handle it, just text me back and say sorry bye and ill leave it alone no questions asked i said i deserve that much closure but this silent treatment is killing me. again no answer, why would he be doing this to me does he not want to hurt me so he just thought he would ignore me i liked this man but this is kiling me more by not talking to me why cant he just say sorry bye and let me have the closure i do not know any of his familys phone numbers or i would of called by now i did drive by his house on sunday at around 11 30 am and again no car there. my friend drove by on monday at around 8ish and again no truck in the driveway. So i dont know what to think. I am ok if he doesnt want to talk to me just tell me in a text if you not man enough to tell me over the phone.He also has a key to my place if he was dumping me woudlnt he give it back.

Crooked/Slanted Pinkys?

I'm just asking out of pure curiousity. Both of my pinkys are crooked, like the bone isn't straight, so when I straight it, the upper part of my pinkys are slanted. It doesn't hurt or bother me, and it has been when me since I can remember. I'm sure curious as to what's wrong with it?

I have a complex question regarding my grandchildren and trying to get custody of them.?

we live in iowa. my son's wife moved to minnesota when his kids were babies. the divorce was final. visitation involved meeting halfway. she moved from minn. to calif. doing this she broke the court order regarding visitation. right? after living in california for 5 months the welfare office came in and took my granddaughter into custody. she is 3. my grandson is in the hospital due to the stupidity of *&%$&* who let him get into a bottle of sleeping pills. he almost died. was in a coma and having seizures. a miracle brought him back! the welfare let my granddaughter be released to my ex-daughter-in-law's boyfriend's parents. there is going to be a hearing this month to try to terminate both the rights of my SON and his ex-wife. petition states that ex-wife used pot, manic depression...... nothing good.... and it states that my son is violent because of the fights him and his ex-wife had in the past. they have not been together for over 2 years. so what do we do?

Have just had a security alert something about ie monster has infected my comp?

it says that it a worm called lsas blaster keyloger , but my security scan says i,m fine what should i do ,,thanks

What is the racial clification for chinese people?

There are three basic races. Europeans are Caucasian, and Far East Asians are Mongoloid. Near East Asians are Caucasians, e.g. Arabs and Indians. Mongoloids include Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, Koreans, Vietnamese, Thai, etc. EDIT: The people who give me thumbs down need to study some Anthropology. I see lots of ignorance about the subject of races on here, and the ones who gave me thumbs down need to study some.

My hair is dark brown what bleach do i use for it to go bright red?

My hair is a dark brown almost black, and I would like a bright red/scarlet color. So I recently tried dying my hair with Schwarzkopf Color XXL in Cool Scarlet, I left it on for over an hour and I got a few streak of faded red but other than that no change, I also tried with other dyes such as L'Oreal and Nice N Easy and a lot more. So the only thing left to do is bleach my hair, do you have any suggestions on a bleach that will actually dye my hair red? Thank you :)

Scariest and Most gory film you can come up with?

I'm hosting a horror movie night next weekend and I have Paranormal Activity 1 & 2 lined up for the evening, but I wanted a gory film as well. I was thinking Saw, but that was more gore than scare. I would like a movie where things jump out all of a sudden... And rip apart the protagonists best friend in the most gruesome way possible lol. Suggestions?

Could Obama fall into a Nixon trap?

I was watching the Frost Nixon interview movie and then I did some research. In the movie Nixon got caught in the political trap of self-righteous indignation by fearing the enemy including the American people. Nixon's paranoia got thrown in a warp and saw the enemy on all fronts especially the media and Liberals. Nixon as you know got elected on the promise that he would end the Vietnam war and bring peace. And like the Vietnam war the Iraq war are both the brain child ideas of Henry Kissinger.

What do you think about my superbowl commercial?

a href="HTTP://" rel="nofollow"HTTP://…/a

Your opinion on this scion tC?

This car has probably been f**kt like a $2 . I would personally buy a TC off of a guy like myself. I commute & that is it. I change the oil every 3k miles. I would buy new.

What's so "maverick-y" about McCain?

It's the only way they can promote McCain. On the merits of his personality. The actual issues and policies he embraces are part of the Republican neo-con ideology that the American people find abhorrent. So to change the subject, McCain promotes his character, just as Sarah Palin is a character.

What does the Aborigine word "Kangaroo" mean? and it isn't the animal.?

It is now the animal. Legend has it that when Cook landed on Australia in 1770 he asked the Aborigines what was the name of the strange looking animal. They answered "kangaroo", which in their language means, I don't understand you.

In Outlook Calendar, how do I stop birthdays (which appear as a result of Contacts) appearing more than once?

Double click the calendar entry, select open the series, Click the recurrence option and click remove recurrence.

Oh please, I'm beggin'. help me out here music connoisseurs?

It sounds like a very poor home made sound. You can barely distinguish a melody. It sounds like a random computer made piece of sound.

Why is Atticus Finch considered a good lawyer in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Not morally, why is he a skilled lawyer? What tactics does he use in presenting the Tom Robinson case? I know nothing about being a lawyer and I was curious.

How do i find the oxidizing agent, in 3H2S+2HNO3->3S+2NO+4H20?

our teacher only taught us how to do it with individual chemicals in synthesis reactions but not in stuff like this

I am very picky about novels. What should be next..?

My favorites include: Fight Club, Scar Tissue, A Clockwork Orange, Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mockingbird,The Great Gatsby. I really like the cynical tone Salinger uses in Catcher in the Rye and the attitude in A clockwork orange but I like a book that has a good plot, beginning to end. Recommendations?

Where can I find some of the clothing that Paula Abdul wears?

I absolutely LOVE her outfits! I know that some of them were probably made exclusively for her, but I'd like to know where she gets SOME of them from.

Are microsoft flight sims worth it?

Sure its worth it. First of all no flying experience is needed. And it does teach you the basics, and many other things.And your laptop can easily run the game , the only thing is that flight simulator is 12 gb. I prefer flight Simulator x deluxe and don't be afraid it will run fine on your laptop.

Did Dennis Hopper die at the end of Easy Rider?

He got hit with the shotty from the trucker and was dying by the side of the road when Peter Fonda found him, but they never came back to let you know. (I think the cash got burned up in Pete's bike though. Wasn't that the one with the cash in the pipe?)

Was 2009 a good or bad year for you ?

Excellent year for me. Working on some important projects, planning my daughters wedding and growing older with grace. Beginning to plan for retirement and excited to be doing some tropical travel.

Any experienced travellers to thailand? wondering how it would be to be on my own there?

I am planning to meet some friends in bangkok on a certain day, but i also have a bunch of days off before that so i was thinking about just even just a day earlier to check things out on my own. i would land in bangkok and be on my own for about a day and then i would have to come back to the airport to meet my friends. would it be worth the day to myself? considering i would taxi out to wherever is nearby then taxi back to the airport the next day..any advice would be great. also this would be my first time there so it is going to be culture shock for me

Sirius radion question?

I have a mazda mpv with the radio that has the SAT option. In the book it says that it is compatible with Sirius Satelite radio, but doesn't say how??? It doesn't have an auxilary jack or line in on the front, does any know is it on the back? If so, how do I pull the unit out? OR how is it compatible?

Is it illegel to date a guy 5 years younger than me?

It's not illegal that you're dating, but it is illegal if you guys are having a ual relationship. Also, you're 20... 15 is a bit too young in my opinion.

Bert Sugar on Willie Pep?

Pep was a very good boxer, no, a great boxer. I'd be hardpressed to say he's the #3 fighter of all time because of his lack of power. I think I'd put Loe Louis, Ali, ahead of him. I know for a fact that I'd put Roberto Duran ahead of him. Duran was the polar opposite stylistically, but I think Duran's style, mentality, and aggression overshadowed his own boxing ability, and endurance. You didn't notice the other things that Duran could do because his aggression was so obvious. Pep had a lot of boxing skill, but lacked the things other aggressive fighters had. Personally I can't rank Pep #3 P4P all-time because I don't even rank him as the best featherweight of all-time. To be fair to Pep, and many of the other guys from the pre-television era, it's probably impossible to compare them to the athletes of today. They fought several hundred professional fights, whereas current fighters fight 50-60, and that's if they have a 15-20 year career. I think modern boxers have more time to perfect their skills between fights as well as recover from cuts, injured hands, etc. There were also fewer belts then (only two), so one had to prove a lot as a contender to get a title shot. I think Sugar Ray himself fought close to 50 fights before attaining the welterweight title, and Fernando Vargas won a 154lb title in his 16th fight. That in no way proves that he was nearly what Sugar Ray was. I'd be willing to bet that if Pep were fighting currently, he'd be much like Pernell Whitaker, and while Sweet P isn't in the top 3 P4P of all-time, he's in the top 1% for sure. Pep and Pernell are in the top 50 fighters of the last century, and that in itself is a very admirable accomplishment considering all of the weight cles. And as far as whether or not people would like him? The people that see boxing as a sport of skill and appreciate elusiveness would probably like Pep. It's hard to realize sometimes that the guys that we see as defensive fighters are still winning because they're still landing more punches than their opponent. That was true with Pernell, and Floyd, and even though Pep won a round by not throwing a punch, I bet he landed a good deal in the other rounds of that fight.

Does God support gun ownership?

well back in the day the prophets used swords, arrows, spears, and sling shots. I don't see why He wouldn't support a gun.

What are your views on the terminator movies?

I agree. 1 & 2 were awesome. The gun battle in 2 with Arnie and all the cops was awesome and Robert Patrick was (even though he did not kill the 1 guy he bashed up at the psyche ward, his only survivor). Great stunts in 2 also. 3 was almost non-stop action, yet John Connor is such a wuss, Claire Danes is tougher than him and Kristana was just eye-candy fembot, but the story did go ok. I think/hope 4 just tears it up. This is supposed to be the finale, so they better not hold back.

Men..Do you enjoy & prefer hunting the woman you love or the approachable woman?

i heard that the man enjoy hunting the woman he love or like bec she has confidence in herself and not easy to be approached....they respect her more than the easy woman and they want a long relationship with her bec she's special ......what do you think guys???

Would i have any problems installing 2 or even 3 Gigabyte GF9800GTX+ on my PC?

you'll only be able to do dual SLI, not triple, and with two 9800GTX+'s in SLI your definitely going to need to upgrade your PSU from 500W to 700W and up

Now that I know I'm becoming a doormat, how do I fix this?

Just ask him some time when you're alone. Don't get accusatory, just ask. He may have good reasons (or at least, reasons so you can understand). He may not know you would really like to be treated to dinner and movies and things. I have a friend who never treats ever and when I asked, was told "you'll never see me picking up the tab ever, I'll pay my share but not anyone else's" because that was the way the father did things. Your situation bothers you a lot since you've continued to pursue this, so just ask him what's up with going dutch on everything. At least if you know he's aware that you'd sometimes like to be treated, you know it's not just oversight on his part. And if he has a reason for not doing it, even if it's just an ethical thing ("well, women want equal rights so that should include paying for themselves"), at least you'll know not to expect him to treat ever.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Know any really good rock bands or alternative bands?

I need new music to download. I have various interests, some of the bands I like are Theory of a Deadman, Three days Grace, A Perfect Circle, Tool, Slipknot, Korn, Breaking Benjamin, Gym Cl Heroes, Fall Out Boy, Flyleaf, Paramore....

What do you think of my new kicks?

I am not a , so shoes are not that important to me. I don't see what's so special about them that they are worth $180. You could probably go to Wal Mart and get an almost identical pair for like, $30 bucks.

Custody of granddaughter?

What should my 11 yr old g'daughter say to her dad and wicked stepmother to get to leave and live with me? She's afraid because they hit her, yell at her, ground her all the time! She is unhappy!


When building a house, a structured, modular approach is better than a haphazard approach. Explain how a structured approach relates to developing programs and why an organized approach! Please help! i do not understand!

Jesse mccartney or zac efron?

Jesse Mccartney He is soooooo hott. I absolutely adore him. OMG! Zac is kinda hott too but jesse is btr:)

How do you vote for the for the most kissable baby?

my friends granddaughter is in the most kissable baby's, and i can't figure out how to vote for her.

Christians: What happens to those who have not heard of Jesus?

Today because of the TV & the internet the gospel is ever available to anyone who may be seeking and lost. Everyone has the opportunity to hear the gospel and believe it. But do they want to is the question. God considers man's righteousness as filthy rags the Bible says. Even though Gandhi read the Bible he was not saved. But he used the message of peace and love that was taught by Jesus. That doesn't make him right before God. Jesus said I am the way.....and He is the only way.

Is there anybody else that kinda... erg... "despise" those so-called "talent" reality shows?

I agree with you, but sadly it is the way the entertaiment industry has gone here. I turn on the TV and hear some moron on Letterman squeeking and honking his voice into a mic and I can't help, but think, "Ok, you sound like crap and are singing on Letterman, and I actually have a vocal talent and work in a call center and have not been able to get a break." Seriously how F'd up is that? I realize it is the way it is and after sending out demo after demo, done audition after audition it's just not meant to be. The only sucky part is hearing people saying, "You are so talented you should be on American Idol, or singing on broadway, or doing concerts." That is like rubbing salt in the wound. It's taken everything I have not to yell back, "You think I freaking haven't been trying you moron!" I even auditioned for Idol and was told I don't have the "look" they want to wit I had the revelation that it's not a competition but a ruse to get ratings and more money off the public. Now you may say, "Aw he is just having sour gs." but the truth is I have come to accept that my talent is not meant to be shared on the professional circuit which yes is unfortunate, but I can share it with people who genuinely appreciate it in my area any time I wish to. You'd be amazed at the happiness, hope, and light you give to someone forgotten in a nursing home by their family, or dying in a hospital. That is what I am proud to say my talent is used for despite not having a record album, millions in the bank, and life in the fast lane. I would rather make one person feel better and comforted than have some superficial arrogant sob tell me I'm talented and could be the next American Idol. Count yourself lucky that you can be a professional entertainer, because getting into the professional circuit is not as easy as it seems. If it were only based on talent then alot of talented people would have careers right now, but we got shafted on account of things that are out of our control. The Performing Arts Business is by far the most cut throat dog eat dog business in the world. Corporate life has nothing on Show Business. So congratulations on surviving in it.

How to get around school block without proxies?

I'm currently at Marion Military Institute and the have a program here that requires you to log in under your name and p given to you from the school, its called Clean Access Agent, they say there is a way to get around the system and have freedom on the internet. Anybody know what I'm talking about?

Who watches Greek, a show from ABC Family?

I agree she should go with Max..his so different from the rest of the guys and my second choice would ofcouse be Cappiee..his a cutie =)

Why did DBZ stop stating power levels?

Not sure as to specific reasons from the creator but why would you? After the Vegeta/Nappa saga, numbers just began to multiply like no tomorrow. First power level 9,000~20,000 was insane (enough to blow up a planet). Then you hit the Ginyu force and they're like what, 100K+, then Freiza is 1m, but a super saiya-jin is 1m+ (to defeat freiza) now everyone is more powerful than a super saiya-jin by leaps and bounds and you're getting to ridiculous numbers like 100 million. You would think at such high levels, fights would be a whole lot different (e.g. damage to the environment, blowing up planets by blinking) but such is not the case. Makes sense to not say what levels they are so that the fighting can somewhat be kept the same throughout the series.

After life?

who here thinks after your life ends here that there is a another life, like hmmmm your soul lives on? or is it just pitch black and once your dead your dead?

Ladies & Gentlemen what would you like to be complimented on?

I suppose I like to be complimented on personality and appearance (as I'm so vain) but things such as intelligence are not tremendously flattering to me as although I am, the desire to be perceived as 'intelligent' can quickly transmute into egotism and arrogance which in turn changes your personality, which in turn changes your appearance as we all find people ugly if they are nasty individuals..The external becomes but superfluous

Does anyone else find it ironic...?

that Christians believe that we are a special and separate creation from the animal kingdom, yet they strive to deny and neglect the one thing that really separates us... our intellect.

Men's knitting pattern help?

I have a huge stash of knitting pattern websites and I could find only one that's even similar, and it's on a Harry Potter Fan site. This sweater here: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a is in reality an older varsity sweater pattern and can be used as such. You need to sign up with the site to access the pattern: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a my nieces are all huge Harry Potter fans and they were the ones who found this site for me, The sweaters come in many sizes and the pattern should help you understand how to make one for your hubby.

Why is my period so late? Please help.?

I work out everyday -running and kickboxing. I do that for about an hour and a half. I've been stressing about this a lot lately. I've taken 2 pregnancy tests; both negative. I'm going on 2 weeks late. So please help me, why SO LATE??!!

Is Haze worth buying?

Yeah get it. The online co-op campaign sounds really fun. Any shooting game where you can beat the game with a friend is really fun. Like Resistance Fall of Man was fun becasue of the co-op. I bet this one will be fun too. I watched the video and I think i understand it, but it looks really good with the variety of weapons and such.

Plz help me! i think i can be pregnant?

hi people. you are probably gonna think im lying but i just really want you guys to help me out. k well im only 14 years old and ive had lots of boyfriends but we never really did anything. then i really liked this hot guy and i told this girl and she asked him out just to be mean! she had with him apparently and she told like, the whole school. she is sooo mean to me and she even knows that i liked him and when i told her she was like, ewww hes ugly. and so after i like, wore really revealing clothes and i flirted with him a lot and i purposefully like, dropped stuff to pick em up real slow. yesterday i asked him if he thought i was y and he said yeah and he ALWAYS stares at my . so like, i got him to like me i guess and yesterday we were hugging and we started making out. she didnt walk by so then while we were in cl (we only have two cles with all three of us togather) we happened to have a substitute so i made sure to sit somewhere next to her and we started making out. she saw and they broke up, YAY! but like, then we had last night and i feel bad now. we didnt use a condom or anything and i had myperiod ten days ago. can i be pregnant? im really scared. oh, and we had again this morning and probably tonight all with no condom cuz he said that condoms hurt him. but this morning we did it in the shower cuz i told him that im scared of getting pregnant and he told me that water washes the sperm off. but now the whole school knows that im having and i already get in trouble a lot. (its always for being disrespectful or for pda though) so what do i do??? btw, im on my friends account and she already knows so, ya. thanx!

What is the deal with Stormtroopers' armor in Star Wars?

Other than being a uniform, the stormtroopers' armor seems to do very little in terms of protecting the wearer. One shot from a blaster kills the wearer just as it would if they weren't wearing any armor at all. Why do they wear armor if it doesn't really work?

bars in Thailand?

my friend and i are traveling to thailand - bangkok and samui at the start of febuary. i was wondering if there are any clubs or bars that are westerner friendly? or websites with up to date info?

Is there a branch of science that doesn't disagree with the bible?

Science try find truth, gather evidence of ideas, Bible have only very primitive ignorance of world and universe, science not agree of any such ignorance, Bible twice say pi is 3.00, say many times sky is solid dome few miles above us,Revelation say sky roll up like scroll, many more absurd ideas at Bible, science know they not true.

I have a dvb t usb stick made for freecom .com art no 25451 and cannot use it without the software?

i have tried the website for frrecom and cannot find the softwae or the stick description wich was made in 2006. can anyone tell me where to download or find the software neded to use the stick, art no, is 25451 and comes with the ariel, thanks vivryan57

If Matt Leinart get CUT where will he land?

Honestly, it could be any of the 32 teams, not just those 8 teams you mentioned. As Leinart has shown, it looks like he doesn't have the tools to be a starting QB. Especially if his chances of getting cut by the Cardinals are high. That would show that he is a good backup and not starting material. Really, finding a starting QB in the NFL is difficult and not every one makes it. However, when your star QB goes down with injury, and you can plug in a decent backup, like Leinart will eventually become, then he can really go to any team he chooses.

My friend was badly injured and shattered her bone under the knee and put her collar bn out of place...?

She had surgery to make things better but she is supposed to keep all pressure off her knee for 3 months. She has an apt where her room is upstairs. How is this gonna work out?

Ladies, I have an Ugg predicament!?

I definitely think go for both!! im sure u deserve it for your hard days at work and its not overdoing it at all.

Which Maya & Aztec gods should I focus on for this essay?

Even though I would think the most important to the Mexica (or as you called them Aztec) were Mictlantecutli, Ome Teotl, Xipe Totec, Xilonen & Coatlicue, the ones that have tons of info would be Tlaloc, Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca & Huitzilopochtli.

What's the difference between a prologue, preface and prelude?

well i onli no wat a preface is cos stephanie mayer has 1 of those in her twilight book (her first book0 its where u r told sumtin dat will happen later in the book but its not 2 obvious wat it is read twilight n u will no wat i mean

Friday, August 12, 2011

Why were people stupid enough to believe Harold Camping?

Anybody whose read any part of most of the New testament knows that no man can know when the rapture will happen. Not even Jesus knows. So why did these people (who claim to be big Christians) think that this man who's 89 and probably senile would know? It just doesn't make sense.

Final notes about Oscar Wilde?

I think you have all the answers, you just outlined them! Only using those small parts of the play and the preface? Well the preface clearly uses what some may consider "misapplied logic" and many contradictions and paradoxes. The play makes fun of conventions for sure, but I dont remember any specific pages. The ending of Ernest when Jack finds out his identity is definitely an example of "misunderstandings conicidences and revelations" don't you think? Good luck on your test!

Do you think that Super Saver is really a Triple Crown hopeful?

I must admit i had never heard of him until he won the Derby. I'm not really sure if he has TC caliber or not. I heard his jockey Calvin Borel say that he thinks Super Saver has what it takes to win the TC.

What do you think should be done about a teacher who?....?

I know an English teacher who is into child and don't know what should be done about it. He has hled my granddaughter, and many more. Not sure what school he is in now either.

Why should i trust him?

You already know the answer. He can't give you what you need to feel secure and happy so move on and find someone who will! Trust me he's out there!

The Premier League?

1st Manchester United, 2nd Arsenal, 3rd Chelsea, 4th Liverpoool 17th Fulham, 18th Sunderland, 19th Wigan, 20th Derby.

What do you think of the Busoni Piano Concerto?

Sorry you don't like the style suhwahaksaeng. I love listening to this piece. But then I like Philip Gl. I guess it's a matter of taste. Also the sound quality on the youtube recording isn't great - it has too much reverb to let you hear some of the textures clearly. Try listening to a good studio recording and see if you like it better.

Pokemon pearl light ball and thunderstone..?

I can seem to get a light ball off pickachu and ive bn usin lvl 18 pokemon and repel. Ive gone thru 36 pikachu and none have it. Also where can i find a thunderstone?

What do you think (I am 16 and an aspiring writer/poet)?

A poet can be full of imagination but does not necessarily have to rely on lies and follies for his treatment of subject !

What's your special moment(s) with your pet?

i show pigs in ffa and today dalilah my hampshire rolled over and i was petting her belly every two seconds she would grunt it was so cute she was falling asleep too

Allen Iverson end up in Hornets, Bucks, Knicks, or Cavaliers?

As a Laker fan, I sitll believe in AI. He can still play. AI to back up Chris Paul in Hornets? Brandon Jennings in Bucks? Raymond Felton in Knicks? Or try to help the Cavaliers sell tickets?

Supervisor bossing me around, I was a manager before this job....?

If the "Bad Supervisor" gets the job you will have to follow his/her lead as he/she will be your boss. Remember you may have experience and knowledge but you are a new part time(20 hrs p/wk) employee. You have only been there a couple of weeks and need to give the job some time. The management team probably hasn't had time to thoroughly evaluate your performance yet.

What is the Goriest horror movie ever made?

Well many people say the original "Texas Chainsaw Macre" was the goriest horror film ever made, but you never really see anything like you would in today's films. Personally, I thought "Hostel" was the goriest I've ever seen...well, at least after the first half of the movie which is basically just . lol.

Who were the Aztec? Describe their capital city of Tenochtitlan?

When the Spanish conquistador Hernan de Cortes and his army arrived in Tenochtitlan (ten-ohch-teet-LAHN), capital of the mighty Aztec empire, they were amazed by what they saw. The island city was built in the middle of Lake Texcoco, connected to the surrounding land by three great causeways. Stone aqueducts delivered fresh water to the city residents. A network of cs made up the city streets, and farmers grew vegetables on ingeniously constructed “floating gardens” (chinampas). There were palaces, parks, ball courts, a zoo, a bustling market, and an awe-inspiring temple complex. Tenochtitlan was the hub of a rich civilization that dominated the region of modern-day Mexico at the time the Spanish forces arrived. In this lesson, students will learn about the history and culture of the Aztecs and discover why their civilization came to an abrupt end.

What is Maverick Money Makers?

I have been hearing about this club for a while now. A lot of people have bought this and have given be great feedback. Has anyone else tried this? Please give me some info & opinions.

WHAT is wrong with my car? it won't accelerate..?

Recently I had two different tires on the front end of my car. I now have two tires that are the same size, but now my car is having trouble accelerating. I have a 2000 manual Plymouth Neon. It was in great condition until this happened. It struggles going up small hills, makes a very loud noise when I try to accelerate, when I p the hill and Im going more than 20MPH it sort of picks up until I have to stop again. what is happening!? PLEASE HELP!

I have a question about food allergies.?

My 5 yr old daughter is allergic to dairy, eggs, peanuts and treenuts. I was wondering if anyone out there has taken their child to Disneyland and if you had luck with the chefs making safe meals for your kids. I would like to take her to Ariel's Grotto and wonder if anyone has had experiences with them there. I would really like to take her there, but it wouldn't be worth it if she became ill.

Henrik larsson,best bit of business ever?

i see a worldwide poll makes him the best signing ever for the money.christ,i thought tore andre flo wiz good,haw haw.we are the peepil,haw haw

I'm in a bind? Which option should I choose?!?

Perhaps you need to see this as a blessing in disguise. You don't like his parties and this way you don't have to go. You need to to look at the sort of relationship you have with this person, you can't tell him the truth, you are unable to share with him what it is you like and don't like. In a real friendship one person's desires don't take president all the time over another persons. Heavens, you let him guilt you into something you don't like, and he appears not to have cared at all that you where ill. When you stand up for yourself things get awkward, sometimes you will loose a self-centered friend and have to ride the bus with out company. Tell him the reason why you can't come and say you're sorry. If he calls you a liar, well there you have it. Why would you want to be friends with him? Be your own best friend and stick up for yourself. Walk tall and have dignity.

What do you make of this communication lately from my ex?

Long story short, my high school sweetheart (dated from 2006-late 09) recently joined fb & friend requested me. (we're in our early 20s). As I had gotten over the heartache of breaking up, I thought eh why not. No feelings of bitterness. Of course, being each others' first love, he'll always have a small place in my heart for the memories. Anyway, since he added me a wk ago, he has texted me a couple times. We haven't texted each other in like a year & a half! He wrote a short fb message saying "I actually wish you were there with me. Things are good, but quiet, a few things are missing from my life right now".. He said he'd write more later. This is a week later & he hasn't yet but texted and said he would tomorrow. What do you make of all this? Is he preparing to write a novel on wanting me back? (he's been known to do that, but that was years ago when we were foolish teenagers lol..) I don't mind being on a friendly level again & talking again..but I don't see us being together again. We have way too many differences. Any thoughts on this & people good on deciphering the male I don't know where he's going with this.. appreciate it thx.

Who should I start tonight: PIerre Thomas or Maroney? I need 22 points but I also have John Carney starting?

The better player is Thomas, but the one who has the better matchup is Maroney. I'd go with Thomas, but you really couldn't go wrong either way. I think you'll pull it off. Answer my question at: a href=""…/a

Watch Kendra Tape Video Free Online / Watch Kendra Tape Video Where to Watch?

The star of “Kendra” and “Kendra Exposed,” Kendra Wilkinson, is playing fast and loose with the truth, according to a Radar Online investigation report. According to the celebrity gossip website, despite the public veneer Kendra Wilkinson is putting on the tape scandal, it is all for show — and for her show, E! Television’s “Kendra.” In the second season’s finale, Kendra rails against the betrayal of her former boyfriend and tape video partner, Justin Frye, but what she does not disclose on her reality show is that not only did she know about the tapes, she knowingly made the tapes, tried to market the tapes herself, and received a huge advance from Vivid Entertainment for the tape video, “Kendra Exposed,” just released.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

HeLP ? i really don't kknow what to do !?

I'm in love with this guy , but my mom can' stand him , because he smoke & dress like a street gangster ! nobody where i live like him just because his smoke like really last night we got into a argument because i ask him to stop smoking & he said that won't change anything he also believe i like his bother because i been talking to his bother about whats going on , today he left his house in the morning around 7 & is already 3 and he hasnt return home what should i do ! ( he think i like his bother just cus we talk )

September 11, 2001 Questions?

Bin Laden was angry because we had military bases in Saudi Arabia so he thought after the attack it the U.S. would leave the middle east forever. So both.

Help finding new balance 442 with vine design?

Anyone know where i can find these shoes? I cannot find them anywhere! thanks!

Why does my boyfriend think I am immature?

My boyfriend and I have been going out for 10 months. Hes is 23 and I am 19. He is currently building a new house and one day, he asked me if I wanted to write my name and his on the house, but then he decided he didnt want to anymore. I asked him if he ever wrote his name with his previous ex girlfriend (They went out 4 years), and he told me he did, at the Capitol building. I was a little jealous. This was a month ago. Throughout our relationship, we have always broken up on and off but never stayed apart for over three days. Today, I asked him if I could write my name on his wall, he said "we break up all the time" implying no. He also said that it was an imature thing to do and that he is out of that phase. I was wondering if this shows that he doesnt see a future with me or am I really just being immature.

What is the meaning of a scarlet larkspur ?

can anyone tell me what the meaning of a scarlet larkspur is? i can't find this flowers meaning anywhere -_-

I think i'm pregnant, did you have a pattern...?

ok. so i've posted my symptoms on here a few days ago. i really think i'm pregnant. i'm always irregular, but within a certain range. in over a year, i haven't had a cycle over 45-50 days, except one time i found out i was pregnant. i was on CD62 and still no AF and was still getting BFN's. now i'm on CD66, still no AF and still BFN's. even though i'm irregular, this is REALLY irregular compared to my irregular. what do you think? i'm almost positive i'm pregnant, i just can't get the test to show it yet. please help, serious answers only. don't be a jerk just because someone is asking for ADVICE or OPINION, not a well profound definite answer.

There are these converse i'm looking for...?

converse has a lot of limited edition prints, and this was one of them. they are not produced anymore, so good luck trying to find them

Rate my fantasy team + a trade question?

start ap and thomas jones at rb, jennings and tj at wr washington at rb/wr and yes trade brett favre and royal for aaron rodgers it is a good deal because will put up big numbers this year

Am I suffering from depression?

Find an activity that you like to do and apply yourself to it, or try something you have wanted to do like guitar lessons. Then branch out and use it to meet new people. Good luck.

How are some people so horrible at seeing the negative repercussions of legalizing torture?

Putting a catepillar in an enclosed space, sleep deprivation, and waterboarding is NOT torture. What a laughable ertion. Breaking bones, pulling bones out of joint, bamboo under fingernails, ripping off fingernails -- that is torture.

Mysterious Cardinal Tetra death!!!??

I just got 6 card. tetras on tuesday and they were realitively fine. That night i found one dead!! Cause of Death? I dont know!!! so wedensday morning i found another one dead!!! later that day, i nothiced one's tail fin was completely gone and i struggles to even float and then it died!!! so you can imagine wat happens next and pretty soon im down to two cards. in 2 days. i cannot figure out why they died. and also two of my guppies that i have had for 3 weeks died. My tank is 5 weeks old, gone thru its cycle and everything!!!! amonnia is 0 ppm, nitrite is at 0, and my pH is at 7.4. Wat is wrong!!!!

Can anyone answer this riddle? It's a thinker!?

What were the the names of the 3 generals that defeated Napoleon Bonaparte, and over a century later defeated Adolf Hitler?

Any good movies for a 12 year old?

I want to watch some good movies.i usually like all the narnia and harry potter kind of fiction, not the eragon and the ones mixed with too much romance you know. and i think i would prefer fantasy rather than anything else!

What are some newly released songs out right now?

the best song of heard lately is a note to god by charice . its brand new the song is on amazon and itunes but the cd isnt even released yet. you can see performance of it with choir an orchestra on youtube. not the jojo version or the tbn version.. she perforemed it on oprah.


kso i have to make a short story only using 55 words, none over none less. search some up then come back :P now u have an idea of them and they are so cool bec the climax is like OMG and yea. so i have 2 ideas, either the barber giving the perfect haircut to someone then chopping there head off, or someone trying to murder someone and right when they think they loose the murder, hes standing right there ;P so which one sounds better and any ideas :D?

Would you be less likely to vote for John McCain if flip flops on his support for embryonic stem cell research

If John McCain flip flops on his support for stem cell research funding would you loose enough respect for him to not vote for him for president? Senator Barrack Obama, has openly stated he WILL support federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. Senator McCain has been back peddling on the issue for months and now looks ready for a flip flop. So my question is if the "maverick" flip flops would you still vote for him?

Do you think Hunt was one of the reasons why Folau went to AFL?

It has been said that he had a heart to heart with Karmichael Hunt and that was when the final decision was going to be made,how much of an influence do you think he had in making him cross over???

How do i know if my motherboard will...?

will be compatible with AGP graphic card?...i want to buy another one but seems to powerful for my old computer of the system requirements is PCI Express 2.0-compliant motherboard... and i have no idea if my motherboard can support that...i guess i will have to go with the agp one....

Has anyone in Polls and Surveys seen a lady named "Reggie"?

Nope sorry hon, haven't saw it maybe she changed her name & picture but I will star you hopefully someone else has saw her. Good luck & have a great weekin:)

Who should I trade in fantasy football?

i need a wideout bad. i have marvin harrison, colston(hurt) sidney rice, and stuckey. i am in a 12 man league. my rb are a. peterson, willie parker, and j.lewis. anybody think of any wides i should go after?

Misfits, who is this masked man?

hi, just to say that you are wrong, the misterious masked man is actually Simon as seen in Series 2 Episode 3, when alisha wakes up and finds him in his secret base tyoe thing...

On Gran Tourismo 5 Prologue how can you p event B-6 Can you overtake them all? in the honda integra type R?

Please help Ive been trying for ages and only need this to progress to A!. The car just isnt fast enough to take them all in 1 lap!!!!

How do we know jesus or mohammed were not lying when they said they experienced the word of G-D?

barely anyone saw mohammed do a miracle or hear G-D's word so how do we know that they are not lying? And please give a logical answer

Where can I find full size photos of important historical events?

I need full-sized, original pictures of both world wars, the iranian revolution, kennedy ination, soviet union, apollo moon landing, and chinese cultural revolution, gulf war, and CURRENT IRAQI INVASION. They have to be big enough and of a good enough quality to be made into actual prints as you would from a regular camera, but I can't find anything beyond stupid google images that are way too small. Any archive links? Forum links? Folders online? Any sort of thing where I can see soldier's uploaded pics? any sort of commuinty or source? Thanks

What should I spend my money on?

I would take the money along just in case. if u do not spend it in Cal then u can spend it on the speakers

What are some non fatty foods i can replace for ice cream and chips, etc...?

Yogurt (0% fat would be better) and whole wheat bread (Can be in the shape of buns, croissant, etc) I think. Those are my snacks (also fruits) and I have no problem at all with fat. Ice cream, chocolates, etc is okay once in a while but don't eat too much of it :)

Halving a yeast-rising recipe...same wait time?

I live at high altitude which does weird stuff to yeast like sourdough. I stirred in food for it last night and today since I've been back home it's just starting to look like what I want to cook with. You can't do this by time. If it says wait until it's doubled wait until it's doubled.

How do you get the MAM Night Ulti Glow pacifier to glow?

I recently purchased a pack of the MAM glow in the dark pacifiers because my baby is always waking up in the middle of the night crying for her binky and we can never find it without turning the light on. There were no directions in the package, nothing online, and we can't figure out what we're doing wrong. We've held the paci up to a light for several minutes, and only get about 1 minute of faint glow out of it. Has anyone had any luck getting this thing to work? Are we supposed to keep it under a light for several hours? Thanks!

Mirror Mirror On The Wall?

I'm not fond of any of the names you have listed. I am not trying to be rude...just honest. Arwen sounds like Irwin which isn't girly, and Sirius reminds me of the satellite radio lol. It's very hard picking names...I know. If YOU like these names then that's all that matters. :)

How far can a Ford Puma go with the red light on?

My red petrol light has just come on and my pay day isnt until friday. How many miles can a Ford Puma do with the red light on? It's an R reg 1.7 petrol.

So as of right now the Lions have the number 6th pick in the draft Who should they pick?

ya akeem ayers. im a packer fan, so i give credit to the lions for beating us. what i noticed in the game is the linebacker depth. its horrible. so ya, you are right

Let me get this straight; The OT angels did not have wings so they used Jacobs ladder to ascend to heaven?

That Old Testament story is a metaphor for man evolving. Also yes angels do not have wings. Christians have completely took many parts of the Bible out of context.

Y&R So here's what I want to see happen!?

lol Rafe did look like he was 12. Ashley just bugs me period maybe she will go away ,as for Adam some how I think he will find away of getting away with lots of things he has done, the actor is a very good actor so I want him to stay on the show! I guess we are the only ones!

All of the following are characteristics of phenylketonuria except...?

B, according to how I read the information provided from the website below, and the fact that my sister has PKU and was one of the first babies in the U. S. to be diagnosed with PKU at birth.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Question about buying a house with co signing... please answer?

ok my bf was buying a house with his ex. they split he had to move out. his is the main person who signed she is the co signer. can he legaly still have access to the house? and do can he get her name off and have a diff co signer?

Why are the U2 360 tour tickets that are behind the stage so cheap?

My theory is that the ticket price people forgot to take into account the fact that the stage is circular, therefore lowered the price on them, but you tell me!

Band aid for your cat?

My cat Felix either scratched himself or my other cat got into a fight with him. The cut is on his face and he keeps scratching it open right when it's about to begin the healing process. I would take the cat to the vet but you know how they are expensive and I can't really afford it right now. Is there any type of band aid or something to prevent him from scratching at it?

Hi all. This question is for the doctors out there more specifically the dermatologists.?

I got my first pimple when I turned 16. I have tried everything (meication) but nothing has worked. Now I am 18 and I am still suffering. I have black heads, redness, bumps, and acne under my skin around the neck area near to the chin. Acne on cheaks nose upper lip chin but not much on the forehead. I am not covered with acne but I have a decent amount of all acne types on my face. And once in a while I would get pimples on my chest and back. My skin gets oily easily especially when it is hot. I take showers everyday and wash my face with the Skin ID product( which is not an OTC medication) for the past 6 to 7 months an has done nothing. Then very recently I saw a comercial advertising a doctor prescrbed acne medication but I forgot the name of it. So what I want to know is the difference between the OTC medication, Skin ID, and this doctor prescribed medication. I know everones skin is difersnt and results vary but I have tried everything except the prescription one. Will the prescripion one cure my acne??? Please help. Oh and sorry if I have typos I am wearing a cast and using my ipodtouch lol so it's a bit hard to type. Thank you!!

I am having a lot of problems with weightloss.? I dont know why?

I have been eating at least three meals a day comprising of primarily vegetables. I drink plenty of water and walk at least 30 minutes a day. About two months ago I lost 8 lbs, but nothing sense. I am going through menopause, could that be the issue? What can I do. I am not giving up, just need another strategy.

What is the best telescope type/brand?

I'm looking to get a telescope for someone but I don't know much about them. I've been looking online at the Discovery Channel Store and National Geographic. Can anyone help with some info or advice on buying a telescope?

My physics cl made me wonder.....?

Why do pengers of high-altitude jet planes feel the sensation of weight while pengers in orbiting spaceships don't?

Is anyone out there smart enough to answer this Physics question?

you can calculate the length only if you know the exact quantities of br because br is an alloy of copper and zinc. the alloys vary. you need to know the exact proportions so you can calculate the molar mes to give you the exact rate of expansion. or you could use an average.

Would this motherboard fit in this case?

Read your case manual and see what type of motherboards can fit in it unless you have a motherboard and trying to find what it fits in then check the cases stats online and check your motherboard and see if it fits.

Translate from French - "Qu'est-ce qu'une fille peut �tre?" and "Qu'est-ce qu'une fille peut avoir?"

I'm taking an independent learning French course and I think I bought the wrong book, cause I can't find these phrases. Please help.

Some challenging but worthwhile summer reading?

I've slowly transitioned from reading stories to reading literature and was wondering if anyone could recommend some difficult books, perhaps college level reading, for me to look into over the summer. In terms of reading level I found Flannery O'Connor to be my lower bound of difficulty and Finnegan's Wake to be my upper so something in that difficulty range would be ideal. Other books I have enjoyed were Dante's Divine Comedy, Huxley's Brave New World, and Dumas' Three Musketeers. I also enjoyed Orwell's 1984 but found it a little simplistic and straightforward, I like to have to think while I read otherwise I go to quickly. So what does the internets recommend for me?

Which would win in a quarter mile, 09 Eclipse GS or a 97' Honda Prelude?

Gs is an automatic with a sport shifter, Honda is a manual. Both cars driven by stupid 16 year olds.

Do you think this article pretty much puts the nail in the coffin of young-earth creationism?

I do notice that they don't say how they know the bacteria are that old. I can say that I'm 15,000 years old but it doesn't make that true. If you were to believe me you would want an awful lot of evidence, in this article they give no proof of the age of the bacteria!

Have you felt upset sorting through your babies clothes?

I just finished sorting through my 4 months old daughters clothing, I was storing away everything to small for her and all her itsy bitsy newborn clothing into a space saver bag (in case I have a girl again). I got pretty sad doing it, I feel like just the other day I was pregnant buying all those little outfits, and neatly folding it away in her drawers with excitement and anticipation of her arrival. And now I find my self already putting it all away, she is growing up so fast that I feel my mind cant catch up. I feel like with how fast time is going, I will be taking her to her first day at school in no time, and that is all exiting and everything, but I wish time would just slow down a little bit :( I am really enjoying my baby at the moment. She is already getting a little independent attitude lol hehe but it is cute!! She likes to put her own dummy back in and gets annoyed when I try to do it for her and she loves trying to sit up on her own already LOL. Ever felt a little sad sorting through clothing, or something similar? Thanks!!

Will my GP provide me with sick note?

I just faked swine flu for a week off work as I'm really not feeling it. I didn't think my manager would ask for a sick note but he has, so is there any way my GP could actually provide me one? If I just say I rang up the NHS direct and got tamiflu tablets... Would this work??

I have some mixed feelings about having my cat?

Obviously too late to worry about it. The cat has a good home, and that's the best that someone who's lost a cat can hope for.

Oh! the drama in my life seems to never end!?

geez. what a week. alright, I'm 19 and babysit three children every after noon after work while their mother goes to work. Their father is never home b/c he is out of town for work most of the time. I have been babysitting these children for almost a year. I love them very much and they have become a huge part of my life. Their family is a christian family with very strong morals and values. All except for the father seems to still think he's in high school. He's not a bad guy, just really immature sometimes. Sometimes it seems as though he's coming on to me but I never give him a reason to. I'm very conservitive, so I dont dress in revealing clothing. Instead of paying me with cash the family pays for my cell phone bill. We are al on one plan. The father sends me text quite often. I hardly respond to any of them. The mother found out and now she think's I'm sleeping with her husband! What to do?! I care about these kids too much to just up and leave!!

Where did most of the survivors go after they were liberated?

If you are talking of the Jewish survivors of the Holocaust, ca 500000 went to Israel and many others spread all over the world. Some stayed in Germany.

Chemistry help - volume?

Chlorine is produced by the reaction 2 HCl(g) --> H2(g) + Cl2(g). How many grams of HCl (36.5 g/mol) must be used to produce 10.0 L of chlorine at STP?

Re waterworks?

Sounds like a kidney stone and you were lucky enough not to experince much pain. Please go and see your doctor in case there any more. Hope your feeling better.

Real Life Rivalry: - Macho Man Randy Savage vs Triple H.?

WQ:HHH would beat Savage in a heartbeat...Savage was once upon a time ago could beat HHH now theres no way just look at Savage and compare him to HHH

I think I am peeing sperm. Is is normal/bad?

You can't pee out sperm I don't think... Sperm and urine come from different places. You should see a doctor to see what this is. It could be harmless, but if you truly think it's sperm, you should get this checked out to see what's wrong and why you'd be even peeing out sperm.

What are some of the Beatles' Nicknames?

I'm writing an essay on the Beatles and i was wondering if they had some interesting nicknames i could use. (ex. The Fab Four)

Should I Get A Gaming PC For Christmas?

I Was Thinking Of This One Here Will It Play Most Games?

Homebrew,quake and halo on psp?

ok, i just got my psp slim, and i want to play halo on it. i heard there is a game quake for it, and there is a new mod that came out that lets u play halo style or something, it says its homebrew, so i was wondering how to put or make homebrew run on my psp. please answer ASAP!! make it as easy as possible to understand

How can i lose the last kilos after my hard diet?

All the doctors and nutritionists say targeted weight loss is not feasible, specifically in the hips and thighs areas, but I achieved it with acai berry. I know they say that pills don't work, but they certainly worked for me, and they have been showcased on CBS News too. There is a free trial going on currently at a href="" rel="nofollow" , try it out, what have you got to lose?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why are liberals scared of the Balanced Budget Amendment?

Considering that Obama is borrowing $4.5 billion each and every day, that "spending cut" of $85.5 billion will be wiped out in just 19 days and he will continue to borrow and spend the rest of the $950 billion without any restrictions. Then, we'll be in the same boat we are now, having to raise the debt ceiling yet again because Obama can't stop sending away the public treasury like a drunken Democrat.

In starwars rotj when c3-po is entertaining the ewoks with the story i recall r2 d2 projecting the image?

in any cuts did r2 d2 project the images holographicly of space battles when c3 po is translating the story of what has happened to leia and luke so far. its the scene where han, chewie et al are sitting in a ewok hut before the final battle of return of the jedi. i have a momory of seeing the and hope it wasn't drug induced. i know the sound effects are there, presumably made by c3 po.

Are the following 3 countries a safe haven for U.S. citizens fleeing to avoid penalties imposed by the U.S.?

Costa Rica, Greece and Bangkok. Thailand . Is it true that the U.S. cannot extradite any u.s. citizen back to the mainland to be accountable for unlawfull actions?

Is Phoniness (Phonyness, or Phoneyness, if you like) of its nature triple-distilled ?

No, It`s duplicitous. Plus people tend to become what they pretend most to me,That is spooky but i have seen it so often.They aren�t phoney-baloney any more, but real baloney.!

Are all seniors (in HS) so promiscuous?

No, it's just them. You can't group a category of people together just cuz some of them are acting weird.

In chemistry, are there rules or patterns that will help to recognize what elements combine with other element?

Also, how do you determine how many electrons are in the valence shell of an element such as Strontium or Iodine? Is there a pattern?

How are Robert Frost's two poems "After Apple Picking" and "Unharvested" related?

I am writing a compare and contrast paper on the two poems. I am having trouble understanding them both in all honesty. What is the symbolic suggestion of apples? And what different effects does Frost pursue for the image constellation of Apple Picking?

Twilight help! is edward mad at jessica and angela!?

he's talking about the guys who were about to Bella in the ally. He wanted to protect her friends, jessica and angela, before the bad men tried to or hurt them too.

Best movies for school?

i need to have a movies picked by the end of the day and i have to give a review about it like im a critic, iwant a good movies with deep and emotional parts, i have to show a clip of this movie so it must be rated pg 13 or lower, please give me suggestions, i have seen many movies but most of them are R rated.

How can I revise for my AS level English exam?

Do practice papers for revision, and get someone to mark them, email to your teacher or something, and look up stuff to write about on the internet. In the exam, answer the question, stick to the AO's and you should be fine.

How would you define Reggie Bush career if he were to retire from the NFL today?

If reggie bush were to retire from the NFL he would just be a regular player leaving the NFL. This is because he hasnt broken any records or anything yet. He still has a lot of potencial to give out. but hes not spectacular or anything. even madden 10 doesnt give him a really high score. He wouldnt even make it into hall of fame. he would need to have more yards than tomlinson which is the current player with the most yard in his carreer. and in second place is thomas jones. so bush still has a lot more to show

Xp Recovery Console Copy Command Access denied>>?

I need help with XP Recovery Console. When i enter the "Copy Command" with the source and destination it gets blocked i want to copy a .sys file that got erased by my antivirus "Kbdcl.sys" a file for the keyboard I need help on how to allow copy or to erase or disable my user pword so i can access windows and copy and paste the file because my keyboards don't work on start up.??? please help

Do u blush when people challenge ur religion because for u its an intimate subject refined to ur lover?

Sorry, but no. I suppose that it would depend on your religion & how widely accepted it is. Besides, no one has the right to 'challenge' your religious beliefs. Tell them to go suck on a lemon.

Why do people think that non-infantry jobs don't see action?

I completely get what you're saying. It like this, if there's severly injured soldiers or you're just out patrolling and something horrific comes up its not like the CO (Company Commander) says, "Anyone is NOT Infantry, please close your eyes, something that'll haunt you forever is coming up." But people don't use basic common sense.

I am freaking out someone please help?

I have this weird feeling on my upper left side of my lip it is slightly swollen but that may just be from me rubbing it bc when I rub it the "numb" feeling goes away for a few seconds. I got diagnosed with bronchitis today and I took my medicine (z pack or something) and some cough syrup (cheratussin). Also I have been wearing a new retainer although I don't think it was that. Someone please help im soooo scared.

What games can my computer play?

Yes, they should all play well with that video card. Your older processor may be bottlenecking it a bit though

What to sell in an Etsy store?

I want to earn some more money and have thought about opening an Etsy store. (Etsy is an online store where handmade things are sold.) Do you have any suggestions on what would be desirable? I have a wide variety of artistic and creative skills....quilting, sewing, photography, painting, mixed media, woodworking, etc.... What would you want to buy?

Pop punk songs about winter for a CD?

Well, The Maine is coming out with a Christmas EP soon. I'm not sure when, but try checking their myspace.

The test series in india is full of frauds?

Why didn't you mention that decision when Kulasekara was given not-out even though Ojha got him plumb LBW in front of middle stump?

Why are my friends drifting away?

this sorta happened to me when all my mates becuase obsessed woth wow (world of warcraft) i just basically told them that its not something i am interested in and would rather just have a get together everynow and again and have a catch up. it will blow over for most of them dont worry. make some new mates who have things in common with you and make them old mates :) old mates are the best mates as you get older as its great fun catching up and having a laugh hope this helps hun

How to clear my mind? stressed about being scouted for hockey, feel pressured to do fantastic but (cont..)?

Listen music, it may divert your mind or try hanging out with friends who are not related to hockey in any way and are fond of having fun

Does anyone have an idea for me to make for Christmas gifts?

For a couple of years now I've made Christmas gifts for my family. One year I crocheted all of them afghans, the next year I made candy and fudge. I'd like to continue making gifts, but I really haven't got any idea where to start this year. I'd appreciate some input to get me started.

Monday, August 8, 2011

How can you hide depression?

I'm in middle school and I have depression and bipolar. I keep it a secret, but I have major depression and it's involuntary. I droop and sigh and rest my head on a table without even thinking. My eyes lost their sparkle and I'm dull. I used to be great in athletics and now I'm the last one. I don't do homework. I just sleep and cry and listen to effing depressing songs. I'm getting sick of the emo sh*t because steriotypes are the stupidest things in the world. but, back on topic, if you just get near me you can tell I'm dark and introverted and sad. Don't tell me to be more outgoing, but how can I hide depression or train myself to. PS: i'm 12 and take antidepressants. also, how can I stop people from calling me emo and goth and all the ridiculous bull.?

Secret Santa help?!?!?!?!?!!?

I have to buy a secret santa for under �15 for a guy who is constantly farting/ trumping/ expelling gases........can anyone help?

Very very VERY sore throat?

Okay so the past weeks for me have been very weird. First, I had a mild stomach flu. Then the week after, I had some very serious illness (still don't know what) that made me cough constantly and my bones hurt. i thought it was bronchitis at first. That was over in 4 days. Now, week three, my throat is beyond sore. It hurts so bad to swallow, and I can barely talk because it hurts so much. I have a runny nose, and as far as I know, no fever. Do you think all these sicknesses are related to each other? And what's wrong with my throat?

Isuzu Trooper starts but no power to move vehicle.?

My Trooper starts and the engine runs but it won't move until you floor the gas pedal. Any ideas on the possible causes?

Last Word problem!?

Korn King livestock feed costs $165.00/t. It consists os feed costing $150/t and feed costing $195/t. How much of each is required for 225 t of korn king feed?

Lost my ID best friends bday party at a night club tonight?

so im 21 and all but i lost my id so now all i have is a print out sheet that they give you at the DMV that says this is not an ID, and my college ID and my birth certificate does anyone knoow in SAN DIEGO if theyll let me get it with all of that dont laugh i know its stupid!!!!

Do you know what the specific format of the table of content for a research project.?

I wnat to know how the table of content is suppose to be formated. spicially where the reseearch methodology goes.

Can alligators live in Oklahoma?

some ppl said they seen an alligator in a lake and 3 more in a pond in oklahoma ive also heard rumors that a guy let them loose in there could they survive?

2 month old puppy biting issues?

I just got a two month old terrier/poodle mix. He's constantly biting during play, and nothing seems to deter him. I got him chew toys for his teeth, but he quickly forgets about it and goes for my hands, arms, legs, feet, anything he can get at. Is this something he'll grow out of or? I've tried to do the "yelp" when he bites but that just seems to make him do it more. I've tried ignoring him for a few minutes but that doesn't seem to phase him. My hands are covered in little scratches from his little teeth..ugh!!