Friday, August 12, 2011

I'm in a bind? Which option should I choose?!?

Perhaps you need to see this as a blessing in disguise. You don't like his parties and this way you don't have to go. You need to to look at the sort of relationship you have with this person, you can't tell him the truth, you are unable to share with him what it is you like and don't like. In a real friendship one person's desires don't take president all the time over another persons. Heavens, you let him guilt you into something you don't like, and he appears not to have cared at all that you where ill. When you stand up for yourself things get awkward, sometimes you will loose a self-centered friend and have to ride the bus with out company. Tell him the reason why you can't come and say you're sorry. If he calls you a liar, well there you have it. Why would you want to be friends with him? Be your own best friend and stick up for yourself. Walk tall and have dignity.

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