Saturday, August 13, 2011

Is there anybody else that kinda... erg... "despise" those so-called "talent" reality shows?

I agree with you, but sadly it is the way the entertaiment industry has gone here. I turn on the TV and hear some moron on Letterman squeeking and honking his voice into a mic and I can't help, but think, "Ok, you sound like crap and are singing on Letterman, and I actually have a vocal talent and work in a call center and have not been able to get a break." Seriously how F'd up is that? I realize it is the way it is and after sending out demo after demo, done audition after audition it's just not meant to be. The only sucky part is hearing people saying, "You are so talented you should be on American Idol, or singing on broadway, or doing concerts." That is like rubbing salt in the wound. It's taken everything I have not to yell back, "You think I freaking haven't been trying you moron!" I even auditioned for Idol and was told I don't have the "look" they want to wit I had the revelation that it's not a competition but a ruse to get ratings and more money off the public. Now you may say, "Aw he is just having sour gs." but the truth is I have come to accept that my talent is not meant to be shared on the professional circuit which yes is unfortunate, but I can share it with people who genuinely appreciate it in my area any time I wish to. You'd be amazed at the happiness, hope, and light you give to someone forgotten in a nursing home by their family, or dying in a hospital. That is what I am proud to say my talent is used for despite not having a record album, millions in the bank, and life in the fast lane. I would rather make one person feel better and comforted than have some superficial arrogant sob tell me I'm talented and could be the next American Idol. Count yourself lucky that you can be a professional entertainer, because getting into the professional circuit is not as easy as it seems. If it were only based on talent then alot of talented people would have careers right now, but we got shafted on account of things that are out of our control. The Performing Arts Business is by far the most cut throat dog eat dog business in the world. Corporate life has nothing on Show Business. So congratulations on surviving in it.

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